Life Imitates Art When Donuts Descend on Cole MS

by | Jun 10, 2024

Above: Donut Day came early at Cole Middle School, Thursday, June 6. Submitted photo

Donuts are a typical 6th grade ceramics project at Cole Middle School and it just so happened that this year, one of the students had a parent with a connection to Dunkin’ Donuts. The parent, Shawna Hassett, reached out to see if the art classes would be interested in making ceramic donuts to help decorate a Hasbro Family Room that’s being redesigned, sponsored by Dunkin’. 

“Of course we said yes!” said Lisa Offiler, who teaches art at Cole along with Nina Reiner. 

The room is being renovated as part of its 10-year anniversary at the hospital. Funded by the Dunkin’ Joy in Childhood Foundation, the Dunkin’ Hasbro Family Room offers a comfortable space for families and friends.

For Offlier, there was more than a casual interest in the project. 

“Not only was it a great learning moment for our students to give back to the community, but I personally wanted to do something for Hasbro – my son has cystic fibrosis and we have been seeing a care team there since he was 22 days old. His care team has become extended family to us, and they have shown what true healthcare looks like. Hasbro has always gone above and beyond!” she said.

“All of our 6th graders in our 4th quarter classes made donuts to donate to Hasbro, as well as some of our 7th and 8th graders from second semester. We had a lot of fun crafting and decorating them, using clay and glaze. The kids were very creative and made all kinds of clay donuts!”

As a thank you, Dunkin’ sent over the donut sample truck for Cole last Wednesday (6/5/24), with 1,200 donuts to pass out to the Cole community, as well as “swag” for the students to enjoy – they could choose between a bucket hat and a fanny pack bag. 

“They were so excited to enjoy this treat on Wednesday,” said Offlier. “It really sweetened up the end of our school year!”

FYI: June 20 is Dunkin’ Iced Coffee Day, where $1 of every iced coffee and cold brew sold at Dunkin’ supports Hasbro Children’s Hospital.

Some of the 120 ceramic donuts made by Cole Middle School students for Hasbro Children’s Hospital. Submitted photo

Donuts for everyone. Submitted photo


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